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    Theme Travel Schedule

    Enjoying Mokpo with Stamps for 2 Nights and 3 Days

    2N 3D
    #family #child #experience #museum #history #exhibition

    Day 1 Stamp Tour Course


    Mokpo Modern History Museum 1 (Former Japanese Consulate)

    Mokpo Modern History Museum 2 (Former Oriental Development Company)

    Seongok Memorial Hall

    Nojeokbong Peak

    Yeonhee's Supermarket

    Seosan-dong Mural Alley

    Mokpo Dancing Ocean Fountain

    South Korea is home to many beautiful tourist destinations, and for those who enjoy domestic travel, there's a useful app called 'Stamp Tour'. This app, true to its name, operates on the concept of stamping a mark upon arrival at key tourist landmarks. With regional and thematic events, it offers the excitement of a sort of 'stamp hunting' adventure while traveling. Furthermore, events such as receiving gifts for collecting stamps add extra enjoyment to the travel experience.


    Mokpo, the destination of my trip, is also one of South Korea's leading travel destinations currently hosting a Stamp Tour event. Since its opening as a port in 1897, Mokpo has been at the center of modern history and culture, a city where style and art thrive. It's known as the romantic port city of Mokpo. I plan to explore various parts of Mokpo over a 2-night, 3-day trip, enhancing the experience with the Stamp Tour.

    On the first day of my Mokpo travel Stamp Tour, the first stamp I aim to collect is from a place that can be considered the starting point of Mokpo's history. It's Mokpojin, a naval base established in 1439 (the 21st year of King Sejong's reign) to protect the sea routes from Japanese invaders.

    Upon arriving near this historic site, an indicating that I've entered the 'Stamp Zone' appears, and I get to collect a stamp. The thought of filling in the incomplete stamps one by one brings a sense of excitement to my 2-night, 3-day journey.

    Mokpojin served as a military base for the Joseon navy, also called 'Manhojin' as it was led by a commander titled 'Manho.' Geographically, Mokpo, holding the Yeongsan River estuary and a strategic point connecting to the sea, became prominent from the early Joseon period as a transport route for grain between Honam and southern Gyeongsang regions.


    Mokpojin, a historical strategic point in defending the southwest sea of the Korean Peninsula, was abandoned in 1895. In 1897, with the port's opening, it housed the Imperial Korean offices like Gamrisa and Customs. Now, the site, with only the monument of Mokpojin remaining, has been partially restored and utilized as Mokpojin Historical Park.


    During my visit, the park was bustling with preparations for the 2023 Mokpo Cultural Heritage Night Festival. The Mokpojin observatory offers a panoramic view of Mokpo city. Although only a portion is restored, it's a meaningful site, attesting to Mokpo's rich history. 

    < Mokpojin (Provincial Designated Cultural Material No. 137) >

    ☞ Address: 4, Mokpojin-gil 11beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Manho-dong)

    The next destination to collect a stamp was the Mokpo Modern History Museum Hall 1, formerly used as the Japanese Consulate.


    The museum has become a must-visit hotspot and tourist destination, especially after gaining fame as a filming location for the drama "Hotel Del Luna." Its exotic and beautiful architecture, offering picturesque views from every angle, makes it a perfect spot for capturing memorable photos, drawing even more visitors to Mokpo.

    This oldest and largest building in Mokpo, which was initially a part of Manhocheong (Mokpojin), a naval base during the Joseon Dynasty, was temporarily used as a consulate after the opening of Mokpo Port in October 1897. As the influx of Japanese residents in Mokpo increased, a new building was constructed in 1900 at its current location, moving the consulate there. It is Mokpo's first Western-style modern building and a nationally designated cultural heritage site, maintaining its original interior and exterior. After liberation, it served various roles, including Mokpo City Hall, a public library, and Mokpo Cultural Center. Since 2014, it has been operating as Mokpo Modern History Museum 1, a historical exhibition hall where you can explore everything from the beginnings of Mokpo to its modern history, rightfully called a 'treasure trove of modern history.'

    Before Mokpo's port opening, spanning from the Joseon Dynasty to the present, the museum is divided into seven themes. The journey begins on the 1st floor in Zones 1-2, moves up to the 2nd floor for Zones 3-5, and then returns to the 1st floor for Zones 6-7. The museum's diverse visual materials and exhibits explain how Mokpo has changed and developed over time, making each zone an interesting visit.

    [Description of Each Theme]

    1. Starting as Mokpojin: The role and appearance of Mokpojin as a naval defense position in the southwestern sea of the Korean Peninsula.

    2. Rebirth as a Port City: Mokpo's voluntary port opening in 1897 and its rise as a renowned city of rice, cotton, and salt.

    3. The Frontline of Resistance: The history of resistance against the Japanese Consulate, Oriental Development Company, Mokpo Prison, and Mokpo Police Station, including the March 1st and April 8th Independence Movements and youth movements.

    4. Spread of Foreign Cultures: The propagation of various cultures, education, and religions like Christianity, Catholicism, and Dongbonwonsa (Japanese Buddhism).

    5. Era of Popular Culture: Establishment of theaters and Peace Hall, modern film screenings, performances, popular music, and vibrant cultural activities.

    6. Join the Independence Movement: A visitor experience corner themed around the April 8, 1919 Independence Movement.

    7. Special Exhibition on Modern City Architecture: Various modern buildings constructed post-port opening, incorporating foreign influences.  

    Zone 6, which allows visitors to experience the Independence Movement, also features a small recreation of the set from the drama ‘Hotel Del Luna,’ popular among all age groups. The familiarity of the filming location from the drama added freshness to the experience. By the time visitors finish exploring the comprehensive two-story Zone 7, they can understand why the museum is called a 'treasure trove of modern history.' It offers a rich exploration of Mokpo's independence movement, modern religion, education, and cultural facets.

    < Mokpo Modern History Museum 1 (Nationally Designated Cultural Property Historic Site No. 289) >

    ☞ Address: 6, Yeongsan-ro 29beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (58729), South Korea

    ☞ Contact: 061-242-0340

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Hours: 9 AM - 6 PM / Closed on January 1 and every Monday

    ◾ Admission Fees: Adults 2,000 Won, Teenagers 1,000 Won, Elementary Students 500 Won

    Walking down about 3 minutes from Mokpo Modern History Museum 1, you will find Mokpo Modern History Museum 2. If you have a ticket from Museum 1, you can visit Museum 2 for free, so it's recommended to see both!

    Mokpo Modern History Museum 2 is housed in a building that was once used as a branch of the 'Oriental Development Company,' a special company established by Japan to monopolize Korea's economy during the Japanese colonial period. It can be seen as a symbol of exploitation during the occupation.


    After liberation, the building was used by the Korean Maritime Police and as the Mokpo Maritime Defense Command's Military Police headquarters. It once faced the threat of demolition due to its symbolic association with Japanese colonialism but has been operating as Mokpo Modern History Museum 2 since 2006. The museum exhibits the history of the building's inception, development, and the process of exploitation.

    Mokpo has been a central point for the collection of abundant rice from the vast granaries of Honam and marine resources from the southwest sea, connected by sea routes to Japan. Therefore, governing structures like the Japanese Consulate and the Oriental Development Company were established here. People from Mokpo and the southwestern coast resisted Japanese exploitation through independence movements and student anti-Japanese movements, contributing to the democratization movements of the 1890s.


    The first floor's Exhibition Room 1 displays photos showing the streets, buildings, and daily life of Mokpo in the late 1920s. The second floor's Exhibition Room 2 offers a space to glimpse the history of national independence in the 1920s, modern independence movements, and stories of various independence activists who lived through Japanese aggression.

    Mokpo Modern History Museum 2 serves as an educational site of historical awareness, vividly revisiting the hardships of the Japanese colonial period and the forgotten scenes of Mokpo in the late 1920s. It features exhibitions including the first public display of photos of Japanese aggression and tangible records of the fierce national movements for independence. The museum not only offers various photo zones but also interactive contents such as games related to history, making it a valuable educational resource in learning modern history.

    < Mokpo Modern History Museum 2 (Provincial Cultural Property Monument No. 174)>

    ☞ Address: 18 Bunhwa-ro, Jungang-dong 2-ga, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (58754), South Korea

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-8728

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Hours: 9 AM - 6 PM / Closed on January 1 and every Monday

    ◾ Admission: Free with a ticket from Museum 1

    The next destination is the Seongok Memorial Hall, located just a 3-minute walk from Mokpo Modern History Museum 2. The Seongok Memorial Hall was established in 2003 by the children of Lee Hoon-dong, the founder of Joseon Naehwa (Co.) and the publisher of Jeonnam Ilbo, to commemorate his 88th birthday, known as 'Misu' (a traditional Korean celebration of longevity).

    Passing by the bust of Lee Hoon-dong, as you enter the memorial hall, a large central hall is situated. The hall includes exhibition rooms where you can explore the life of Seongok Lee Hoon-dong. In three exhibition rooms, there are collections of calligraphy, Korean paintings, and other fine art pieces, as well as ceramics by modern and contemporary masters, all lovingly collected by Lee Hoon-dong and his children throughout their lives.

    Behind the memorial hall lies 'Lee Hoon-dong's Garden,' said to be the largest private estate and garden in Honam, established during the Japanese colonial period. In front of the garden, there's an 'Annex,' presumably the former residence of Lee Hoon-dong. Deep inside, it seems to have been used as an office, with traces and the presence of Lee Hoon-dong still vividly felt. Notably, there's a vintage phonograph used for listening to music after dinner when President Park Chung-hee visited Mokpo, giving a sense of time-traveling back to those days. The preservation of these artifacts in their original state is impressive.


    Additionally, part of the Annex is used as a gallery, exhibiting artworks by local artists for free. Remarkably, all the revenue from the sales goes to the artists, and the exhibition schedule is fully booked a year in advance, indicating its popularity. This shows the immense passion and interest of Lee Hoon-dong and his children in the arts and local artists.

    < Seongok Memorial Hall (Provincial Cultural Property Material No. 165) >

    ☞ Address: 11 Yeongsan-ro, Yudal-dong, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (58729), South Korea

    ☞ Contact: 061-244-2527

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Hours: 9 AM - 12 PM, 1 PM - 5 PM / Closed on Mondays, public holidays, and during traditional Korean holidays

    ◾ Admission: Free


    Next, I headed to the next destination to get my stamp!

    Nojeokbong Peak is a place deeply revered by every South Korean, as it embodies the spirit and soul of the greatly respected Admiral Yi Sun-sin. Located on Yudalsan Mountain, Nojeokbong Peak, which refers to a massive rock peak, may be just 60 meters above sea level but holds great historical significance. During the Imjin War, Admiral Yi Sun-sin ingeniously used the terrain of Nojeokbong Peak for psychological warfare, successfully outmaneuvering the Japanese forces.

    During the Jeongyujaeran (the second Japanese invasion of Korea in 1597), Admiral Yi Sun-sin led an unlikely victory in the Battle of Myeongnyang with just 12 ships. While reorganizing his fleet, Joseon was in a critical situation with a severe shortage of military forces and provisions. At this crucial moment, Nojeokbong Park played a significant role.


    When Japanese ships were anchored off Yudalsan and monitoring the Joseon forces, Admiral Yi Sun-sin devised a strategy to compensate for his military inferiority. He covered the rocks of Nojeokbong with straw to make it appear as though large quantities of military rations were stored there. Additionally, he had civilians wear military uniforms and continuously circle around Nojeokbong, creating the illusion of a large army. He also spread white clay powder in the Yeongsan River, making the water flowing into the sea look like rice-washing water, deceiving the Japanese into thinking that the Joseon army was larger and causing them to retreat.


    This tactic around Nojeokbong later inspired a cultural and artistic form, believed to have influenced the development of the traditional Korean circle dance, Ganggangsullae. The ingenuity and bravery of Admiral Yi Sun-sin in overcoming difficulties were deeply impressive, making me proud to be a descendant of such a remarkable figure.

    < Nojeokbong Peak >

    ☞ Address: 45, Nojeokbong-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Chukhodong), 58729

    Next on the retro journey, I time-traveled to 1987 at 'Yeonhee's Supermarket,' a familiar setting from the movie "1987." Located at the entrance of Seosan-dong Mural Alley, this place takes you back to the typical neighborhood stores of the past.

    The store, still preserved as it was during the filming of "1987," holds various items from that era, including briquettes, household goods, snacks, freezers, and radios. The props used in the movie are displayed, vividly bringing the film scenes to life. The place feels like a portal to another world, transcending time and space.

    Despite being only about 40 years in the past, the store's appearance and interior evoke a sense of a much older era. It's fascinating how the passage of time can feel so profound!

    The interior and exterior of the store are constantly bustling with tourists, making it a popular photo spot. It’s a great destination for families, where young visitors can learn about their parents' generation, and the older generation can reminisce about their past.

    < Yeonhee's Supermarket >

    ☞ Address: 14-2, Haean-ro 127beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Seosan-dong)

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-8598


    After a nostalgic trip to 1987 at Yeonhee's Supermarket, it's time to fully immerse in the charm of Seosan-dong Mural Alley. Just continue up the road past Yeonhee's Supermarket, and you will find yourself in the midst of Seosan-dong Mural Alley.

    Seosan-dong Mural Village, nestled at the foot of Yudalsan in Mokpo, is a quintessential fishing village. Its alleyways, preserved from the undeveloped coastal village of the 1970s and 80s, allow visitors to fully experience the lifestyle and sentiment of that era. Since 2015, Seosan-dong residents and poets have collaborated to write poems about the village, and artists have created murals with themes fitting Seosan-dong, such as sea fishing and landscapes, infusing the village with artistic charm.

    There are three paths leading up to Seosan-dong Mural Alley, and if you follow any of them to the end, you'll arrive at 'Borimadang', a place that offers a panoramic view of the area.


    Each alleyway is stunningly beautiful, causing tourists to frequently stop and take photos. It was impressive to see people quietly appreciating the views, mindful not to disturb the residents who actually live in the village. Walking along these quaint alleyways, the experience was so serene and healing that the uphill climb didn’t feel strenuous at all.

    Reaching the final destination of the first day of the stamp tour, I arrived at the 'Mokpo Dancing Ocean Fountain' in Pyeonghwa Square, the epitome of sentiment in Mokpo.

    Located in Peace Square, a vast rest area for citizens by the sea, is the world's first large-scale floating music fountain, the Dancing Ocean Fountain of Mokpo.

    The Mokpo Dancing Peace Fountain, with its harmony of water, light, and music, creates a breathtaking spectacle. Boasting a length of 150m and a maximum spray height of 70m, the Dancing Ocean Fountain operates from April to November. Each night, it presents a majestic and fantastic performance with water screen projections, sweet music, vibrant lights, story-telling laser shows, and beam projects to create media art. Additionally, the fantastic 'Mokpo Sea W Show' features musicals and fireworks combined with the ocean fountain at the sea stage in front of the fountain.


    Particularly, by pre-booking through their website, visitors can participate in various programs like story introductions and proposals, making precious memories. True to its reputation as a city of romance, Mokpo boasts this special space.


    During my visit, the Dancing Ocean Fountain was unfortunately not operational due to maintenance work. While I missed witnessing its beauty firsthand, it remains on my 'wish list' for a future visit to Mokpo.

    < Mokpo Dancing Ocean Fountain >

    ☞ Address: 82 Pyeonghwa-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-8581

    ☞ Website :

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Fountain Show Operation: April to November

    ◾ Showtimes: Spring, Autumn (Apr-May, Sep-Nov) Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu 20:00, 20:30 / Fri, Sat 20:00, 20:30, 21:00

    Summer (Jun-Aug) Sun, Tue, Wed, Thu 20:00, 20:30, 21:00 / Sat 20:30~ Sea W Show

    ◾ Duration: 20 minutes


    The stamp tour offered the dual enjoyment of collecting stamps and exploring tourist attractions. As I pondered where to collect the next stamp, I traversed various parts of Mokpo, eventually collecting a total of 8 stamps, thus concluding the first day of the stamp tour. The anticipation for the remaining journey to complete the rest of the stamps makes the stamp tour even more exciting. I look forward to 'stamp hunting' tomorrow as well!

    Day 2 Stamp Tour Course

    Yudal Recreation Area Skywalk in Daeban-dong

    Overwater Cable Car (North Port Station)

    Overwater Cable Car (Gohado Station)

    Overwater Cable Car (Yudalsan Station)

    Yudalsan Mountain

    Mokpodaegyo Bridge

    Historic Site of Admiral Yi Sunsin in Gohado

    Noeul Park of the North Port

    Starting the second day of the enjoyable stamp tour with a refreshing spirit, the first destination is the Yudal Recreational Area Skywalk, located in Daeban-dong.

    Kicking off the day's journey with the first stamp!

    The Skywalk in Daeban-dong Yudal Recreational Area, suspended 15 meters above the sea and stretching 54 meters in length, offers a unique and romantic view of the Mokpodaegyo Bridge and Mokpo Marine Cable Car. The feeling was even more thrilling, as if walking on the sea, especially with the raindrops lingering after the rain...

    In front of the Skywalk, there are beautifully arranged colorful photo zones for capturing memories. The sunset view over the West Sea from the Skywalk and the distant Mokpodaegyo Bridge are said to be spectacular. I’m eager to return on a sunny day or at dusk to experience it again. Gazing into the distance, I'm filled with a desire to see this magnificent view from the marine cable car. So, off I go to collect my second stamp of the day at the cable car station.

    < Daeban-dong Yudal Recreational Area Skywalk >

    ☞ Address: 59, Haeyangdaehak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Summer Season (Mar-Oct) 9 AM to 9 PM / Free

    ◾ Winter Season (Nov-Feb) 9 AM to 8 PM / Free

    ◾ Nighttime access is controlled for safety reasons

    As I arrived at the starting point of the Mokpo Marine Cable Car, the North Port Station, I promptly acquired another stamp! The Mokpo Marine Cable Car is the 'longest cable car in Korea,' with a total length of 3.23 km. The route starts from the North Port Station, passes through the Yudalsan Station, and goes non-stop to the Gohado Station. At the Yudalsan summit, the cable car route bends in a '' shape, crossing the sea to reach Gohado. Passengers can disembark and reboard freely at the Yudalsan Station when returning from Gohado to North Port.



    Two types of cable cars are in operation: the regular cabin and the Crystal cabin with a transparent glass floor. For the full experience of Mokpo's scenery, the Crystal cabin is the way to go! As I embark on the Crystal cabin, I'm filled with excitement. Particularly notable is the 5th tower of the cable car route, which is the second tallest in the world among cable car towers, standing at a majestic 155 meters. The journey from North Port Station to Gohado Station is filled with exclamations of awe at the overwhelming distance, height, and beautiful scenery.

    The arrival at Yudalsan Station, yet another stamp!

    The rooftop observatory offers panoramic views of Yudalsan, along with the traces and memories of numerous tourists.

    Following the overwater deck in Gohado, one passes through the 'Admiral Yi Sun-sin Photo Zone' and reaches the 'Yongmeori Photo Zone'. It is said that after winning the Battle of Myeongnyang with 13 Panokseon warships, Admiral Yi Sun-sin used Gohado as a key strategic base for 108 days to regroup his weary troops and ultimately lead the war against Japan to victory. Gohado is a symbol of transforming despair into hope and a key place in reviving a falling nation.

    After fully absorbing the energy and spirit of Admiral Yi Sun-sin amid the blue seas of the Dadohae, the Mokpodaegyo Bridge, and the lush surroundings, I energetically set off towards the highest station of the Mokpo Marine Cable Car, Yudalsan Station.

    Despite the overcast and rainy day, the views of Mokpo from above the cable car and on the ground were stunning in their own right. Moreover, each station offered convenience facilities like cafes and convenience stores, making any stop a fulfilling part of the journey. Just imagine how beautiful the sunset and night view of Mokpo would be from the cable car! Left with deep impressions and a bit of longing, I finished my cable car tour and prepared to explore Yudalsan Mountain.

    < Mokpo Overwater Cable Car >

    ☞ Address: 240, Haeyangdaehak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-244-2600

    ☞ Website :

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating Hours: 9 AM - (Closing: Mon-Thurs 9 PM / Fri-Sun, Holidays 10 PM)

    ◾ Regular Cabin: (Round Trip) Adult 22,000 KRW, Child 16,000 KRW / (One Way) Adult 18,000 KRW, Child 12,000 KRW

    ◾ Crystal Cabin: (Round Trip) Adult 27,000 KRW, Child 21,000 KRW / (One Way) Adult 21,000 KRW, Child 15,000 KRW

    After descending to the first floor of the Yudalsan Station of the Overwater Cable Car, I found the walking paths that lead around Yudalsan Mountain. Collecting the Yudalsan stamp, I began my light hike. The trail is well marked with signposts, making it easy for first-time visitors or novice hikers to navigate.

     The hiking trail in Yudalsan leads from the Gwanungak Pavilion and Madangbawi Rock to Ildeungbawi Rock, then back down the hiking path.

    After reaching Ildeungbawi Rock, I decided to explore more of Yudalsan and headed towards the entrance of the mountain in reverse. 

    Mt. Yudalsan, also known as 'Youngdalsan,' is said to mean 'the place where souls pass through'. The mountain offers clear air, lush scenery, and spectacular views of the Dadohae seascape. Descending slowly back to the entrance of Yudalsan, I felt the spirit of the mountain, especially in the presence of the imposing statue of Admiral Yi Sun-sin, standing vigilantly.

    < Mt. Yudalsan >

    ☞ Address: 180, Yudal-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-8359

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Location: 45, Nojeokbong-gil, Chukho-dong, Mokpo-si

    ◾ Admission: Free

    ◾ Parking available for 2,000 cars

    On the second day of the stamp tour, starting from the Skywalk, and traversing through the cable car ride to Yudalsan, the Mokpodaegyo Bridge constantly caught my eye, igniting a desire to experience it firsthand. Thus, I decided to cross the Mokpodaegyo Bridge.

    Throughout today's tour, the Mokpodaegyo Bridge, stretching far into the distance, was a constant sight. Actually crossing it really emphasized its length! It's the bridge that connects Bukhang to Gohado, covering the distance I traveled on the "longest cable car" ride. The bridge, spanning over 4km, is said to symbolize two cranes soaring over the waters of Mokpo. The momentary sunset that bathes the bridge in red, and its night view, offer an indescribably mesmerizing experience. Mokpodaegyo Bridge is beautiful from any angle and at any time. Successfully acquired the stamp for Mokpodaegyo Bridge!

    < Mokpodaegyo Bridge >

    ☞ Address: 73, Gohadaero 597beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    Crossing the Mokpo Bridge back to Gohado, I remembered a significant place I hadn't visited yet the Historic Site of Admiral Yi Sunsin in Gohado. To commemorate Admiral Yi Sun-sin, who strategically used Gohado as a base to lead a victorious campaign, there is a monument erected in his honor.

    Upon entering the stamp zone and following a charming little path, I soon reached the Mochungmun. Passing through Mochungmun, I found the solidly standing Mochunggak, and within it, a monument. Mokpo has historically been a crucial military strategic point guarding the southwest sea routes, long before its opening in 1897. Gohado is the most significant historic site underscoring this fact. During the Jeongyujaeran (Japanese invasion), Admiral Yi Sun-sin stayed in Gohado, gathering military provisions and supplies, building weapons and ships, and reorganizing his fleet. This reconstruction of the naval force in Gohado became the driving force behind the victory in the Battle of Noryang, thereby ending the seven-year-long war.

    The citizens of Mokpo annually celebrate Admiral Yi Sun-sin's birth on April 28th at this site, honoring his legacy and patriotic spirit. Standing at this historic site and viewing the monument, I was deeply moved and felt a surge of what I can only describe as 'K-patriotism' a profound sense of national pride inspired by the extraordinary history and legacy of this Korean hero.

    < Historic Site of Admiral Yi Sunsin in Gohado >

    ☞ Address: 175, Gohado-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    Leaving behind the surging patriotism and ignited sense of mission, I set out on my path, and soon the day began to fade into evening. This marked the culmination of the second day of the much-awaited stamp tour. The breathtaking landscapes I had witnessed throughout the day were so mesmerizing that I longed to see them at dusk. So, with a sense of anticipation, I hastened my steps towards the enchanting Noeul Park of the North Port, renowned for its spectacular sunsets.

    The park, with its Sunset Plaza, event areas, waterfront decks, walking paths, and a small amphitheater, was filled with locals enjoying leisurely walks and exercises. The highlight, undoubtedly, was the leisurely stroll while witnessing the sunset. This place is truly a 'sunset hotspot.' How eagerly I had awaited this sunset throughout the day! The park provided a moment of blissful healing, a time so enchanting that it made me forget all worries, fatigue, and concerns, truly embodying the essence of a serene escape.

    < Noeul Park of the North Port >

    ☞ Address: 34-22, Cheongho-ro 219beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Free admission and parking / Parking available for 173 cars

    With the day's final sunset easing away any weariness, I successfully completed the second day of the stamp tour, collecting a total of 8 stamps. Rejuvenated by the stunning sunset, I'm all charged up for tomorrow's final day of stamp collecting!

    Day 3 Stamp Tour Course

    Samhakdo Island

    Samhakdo Island Yi Nanyeong Park

    Kim Dae-jung Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall

    Mokpo Marine Science Museum for Children

    Mokpo Yacht Marina

    Mokpo Museum of Literature

    Namnong Memorial Hall

    Mokpo Natural History Museum

    National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage

    Gatbawi Rock


    Stamp tour, where stamps are collected while visiting various places in Mokpo, is on its last day with the progressively filled stamp book. If the past two days were spent touring around Yudalsan and Bukhang, today's plan is to visit Samhakdo and Gatbawi. The first stamp of the final tour day was obtained from the island of the legendary three cranes, Samhakdo.

    Samhakdo is a place where it is said that three women who loved a young man died and became cranes, and the place where those cranes fell and died became an island. The island is surrounded by canals, and five small bridges are built over the canals. Walking along the trail, I was able to enjoy a calm atmosphere and leisure.

    < Samhakdo >

    ☞ Address: 88-56 Samhak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-3684

    In Samhakdo Park, there is a park named 'Yi Nanyeong Park' commemorating Yi Nanyeong, a singer who represents Mokpo.

    At the entrance of Yi Nanyeong Park, there are song monuments of her representative songs, 'Tears of Mokpo' and 'Mokpo is a Port'. What's unique is the presence of a 'tree burial site', which refers to an environmentally friendly burial method that involves cremating the remains and burying the ashes in the roots of a tree. This tree burial site of Madam Yi Nanyeong is said to be the first in Korea.


    During the difficult times of Japanese rule and the Korean War, national singer Yi Nanyeong represented the sorrow and hard lives of our people through her songs. This place, where her spirit is alive with her songs softly playing in the background, serves as another resting place and sanctuary for the citizens.

    < Samhakdo Yi Nanyeong Park >

    ☞ Address: 25, 92 Samhak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-3684

    There were various memorial halls, exhibition halls, and experience centers in the Samhakdo Park area, all of which were included in the stamp tour. The next place I visited was the Kim Dae-jung Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall.

    Kim Dae-jung, the 15th President of the Republic of Korea and the first Korean to win the Nobel Peace Prize. The memorial hall is a place where you can explore President Kim Dae-jung's achievements and life through exhibits, videos, and experiential activities. Particularly, it is a meaningful place where you can verify his activities in Mokpo through authenticated materials.

    [Description of each Exhibition Room]

    1. The first Korean Nobel laureate: Introduction of the 2000 Nobel Prize award ceremony, foreign press reports, and congratulatory and welcome messages

    2. Kim Dae-jung and the Nobel Prize: The birth process of the Nobel Prize and episodes of past laureates, etc.

    3. The path Kim Dae-jung has walked: Introduction of his birth, political initiation process, and time as a politician through materials and videos.

    4. President Kim Dae-jung: The political legacy left during his five-year term after being elected president

    The two-story memorial hall had various audiovisual materials prepared in each exhibition room, so it was easy to understand while touring. In addition to that, it had spaces where you could experience the president's office and a video hall where you could watch the videos like in a theater, making it an interesting and diverse place.

    < Kim Dae-jung Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall >

    ☞ Address: 78, 92 Samhak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-245-5660

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating hours: 9 am - 6 pm / Closed every Monday and January 1st

    ◾ Admission fee: Free

     Following that, the next destination for stamp acquisition was the Mokpo Marine Science Museum for Children, located nearby.

    Opened in 2013 to foster dreams and imagination about the sea among children and provide various scientific experiences, this place is the only children's marine science museum in Korea. Starting with the Sea Imagination Hall, which sparks children's curiosity about the ocean, it features six different science experience facilities, including the Deep Sea Exhibit Hall, Mid Sea Exhibit Hall, Shallow Sea Exhibit Hall, Sea I-Dome, and a 4D Theater.

    [Exhibition Content by Floor]

    <1st Floor>

    - Sea I-Dome: Mudflat experience facility for infants and toddlers

    - Sea Imagination Hall: Deep-sea submersible simulation, deep-sea environment video

    <2nd Floor>

    - Deep Sea: Deep-sea topography, plains, and other experiences

    - Mid Sea: Ecosystems of marine flora and fauna, food chain models

    - Shallow Sea: Yacht model and sea studio operation

    - 4D Theater: 4D films related to sea experiences

    - Storage: Area for storing and managing exhibits

    The presence of various interactive devices that allow hands-on experiences and exploration is particularly refreshing. From the VR experience halls that let children dive into the deep sea in a submersible to explore the underwater terrain, scenery, and ecosystem, to the 4D Theater that enhances real-time special effects like wind and vibrations with lifelike 3D images and grand sound, these spaces stimulate children's imagination and curiosity. After the tour, there are educational worksheets for children, providing a thoughtful and enriching space for both fun and learning.

    < Mokpo Marine Science Museum for Children >

    ☞ Address: 98, Samhak-ro 92beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-242-6359

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM / Closed on January 1st and every Monday

    ◾ Admission Fees: Adults 3,000 KRW / Teenagers 2,000 KRW / Elementary Students 1,000 KRW / Preschoolers 500 KRW 

    Next, I visited the Mokpo Yacht Marina, located in front of the harbor, where both the eyes and heart feel refreshed and open.

    The Mokpo Yacht Marina, combining the sunset of Yudalsan and white yachts in an exotic landscape, is located in Mokpo's inner harbor. Due to its geographical advantage, it remains safe from natural disasters without the need for artificial structures like breakwaters and tetrapods. Its excellent accessibility by land and sea makes it an ideal location for yacht sailing. The marina was completed in 2009 as part of Mokpo City's efforts to develop into a central city for maritime tourism.

    Various companies at the Mokpo Yacht Marina offer yacht experiences. There, I saw numerous yachts moored at the sea and land berths. Just looking at the docked yachts stirred a sense of excitement!


    The yacht offices at the marina provide different types of yacht experiences for the general public, including daytime, nighttime, and private sessions. If you visit Mokpo, I recommend experiencing the romantic harbor firsthand by sailing on a yacht!

    < Mokpo Yacht Marina >

    ☞ Address: 88-56 Samhak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-243-9911

    ☞ Usage Information

    ◾ Operating Hours: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM / Available from January to March, and November to December

    After enjoying the increasing collection of stamps and exploring the entire Samhakdo area of Mokpo, the next destination was the Gatbawi area.

    The Mokpo Museum of Literature, opened to inherit and develop the literary works of pioneering writers, consists of two floors and four halls.


    The museum features halls dedicated to Kim Woojin, the first modern playwright in Korea; Park Hwasung, the first female novelist in Korea to write a full-length novel; Cha Beomseok, who completed Korean realism in theater; and Kim Hyun, a unique figure in Korean literary criticism.


    Each hall displays handwritten manu s, artifacts, and other items related to these prominent writers from Mokpo. The museum also houses a Literary Salon, a Writers' Studio, a Literary Experience Hall, and a Storage Area.

    [Exhibition Content by Hall]

    1. Kim Woojin Hall: Handwritten manu s of plays, poems, novels, and critiques, including artifacts of his father, Kim Sunggyu.

    2. Park Hwasung Hall: Manu s, major works, and a recreation of novel settings including a study and bedroom.

    3. Cha Beomseok Hall: The first playwright hall in Korea, with various manu s, s, and performance posters on display.

    4. Kim Hyun Hall: Kim Hyun's room giving a glimpse into his life, along with a search station and quotations to explore his literature.

    < Mokpo Museum of Literature > 

    ☞ Address: 95 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-8400

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating Hours: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM / Closed on January 1st and every Monday

    ◾ Admission Fees: Adults 2,000 KRW / Teenagers & Military 1,500 KRW / Children 1,000 KRW

    The next destination in the Gatbawi area stamp tour was the Namnong Memorial Hall, an art museum where you can appreciate the works of three generations.

    Namnong Memorial Hall is a museum established by the master of Korean southern school painting, 'Namnong' Heo Geon. Heo Geon, a court painter during the reign of King Heonjong in the Joseon Dynasty, was renowned for his skills in poetry, calligraphy, and painting. He was the grandson of Heo Ryeon, who was highly praised by the famed scholar Chusa Kim Jeong-hee as "the best artist in Korea," and the fourth son of the painter Misam Heo Yeong. He spent his life in Mokpo, enriching Korean southern school painting and nurturing numerous students.

    At Namnong Memorial Hall, artworks spanning five generations of the 'Unrimsanbang' family, including works by Heo Ryeon, Heo Yeong, Heo Geon, Heo Mun, and Heo Jin, are on display. Additionally, the museum exhibits over 200 pieces of pottery and ceramics from the Gaya and Silla periods through the Joseon Dynasty, as well as Chinese and Japanese ceramics.


    This space fully demonstrates Mokpo's status as "Yehyang," a city known for its artistic culture and history of producing many artists. 

    < Namnong Memorial Hall >

    ☞ Address: 119 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-276-0313

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating Hours: March to October, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM / Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays

    ◾ Admission Fees: Adults 2,000 KRW / Teenagers 1,000 KRW

    As the Mokpo stamp tour was nearing its end, an intriguing museum was reached, the Mokpo Natural History Museum, where one can explore 4.6 billion years of Earth's natural history.

    The Mokpo Natural History Museum, showcasing the history of Earth and the natural ecology of the southwest coast, features a collection of minerals gathered from around the world, as well as dinosaur bone structures. Notably, it houses the rare dinosaur fossil 'Prenocephale'one of only two in the worldand a globally significant fossilized nest of carnivorous dinosaur eggs excavated and restored from Sinan County, Jeollanam-do. Additionally, the museum holds and displays a vast collection of over 40,000 items including dinosaur models, fossils, plants, insects, bird specimens, and fish samples, making it one of the largest collections in Korea.

    A highlight of the Mokpo Natural History Museum is the central hall, featuring a media facade. Dynamic visual presentations of various dinosaurs attract visitors of all ages. Other features include augmented reality photo booths where visitors coexist with various life forms, AR games to hatch fossilized dinosaur eggs, and content to walk over an ecosystem with aquatic life. The museum offers various VR and AR contents and shows.


    This museum captivated not only curious children but also groups of adult visitors, suggesting that a journey back 4.6 billion years is a fascinating topic for all ages. It's a valuable educational resource for people of all ages.

    < Mokpo Natural History Museum >

    ☞ Address: 135 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-274-3655

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating Hours: 9 AM - 6 PM / Closed on January 1st and every Monday

    ◾ Admission Fees: Adults 3,000 KRW / Teenagers 2,000 KRW / Elementary Students 1,000 KRW / Preschoolers 500 KRW

    The next place I visited was the National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage, which is in charge of investigating, researching, preserving, and exhibiting marine artifacts. Inside the institute, there is the Mokpo Marine Relics Exhibition Hall, which is both Korea's representative National Maritime History Museum and Asia's largest underwater archaeology museum.


    The exhibition hall, composed of a total of five exhibition rooms including a children's experience room, was indeed majestic. As a place that excavates and exhibits underwater cultural heritage, its size was impressive. From the first exhibition room where one can explore the history and significance of Korea's maritime exchanges that our ancestors achieved through the sea, to the second exhibition room that introduces medi Asian maritime exchanges centered on the medi trade ship 'Shinan ship' and trade goods, to the third exhibition room where one can experience underwater excavation that finds and lifts underwater cultural heritage through scientific and systematic methods, to the fourth exhibition room where one can easily and interestingly learn about the Korean traditional ship 'Hanseon', which is now difficult to encounter.


    The exhibition rooms themselves, which are of an incredible scale that leaves one in awe, as well as the rich composition of various audiovisual materials and maritime cultural experiences, made it a valuable space.

    < National Research Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage>

    ☞ Address: 136 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-270-2000

    ☞ Visitor Information

    ◾ Operating hours: 9 am - 6 pm / Closed on Mondays

    ◾ Admission fee: Free  

    Finally, the last destination to end the long journey of the 3-day Mokpo Stamp Tour. It is the Gatbawi Rock, a tourist treasure of Mokpo designated as Natural Monument No. 500.

    Gatbawi Rock is a rock that looks like two people standing side by side wearing hats, which is a type of igneous rock formed from hardened volcanic ash about 80 million years ago. In the past, you could only see Gatbawi Rock by taking a boat, but a walkway has been installed over the sea so that you can directly view Gatbawi Rock from the sea and see it closer.

    There are two legends intertwined with Gatbawi Rock. One is a sad legend about a dutiful son and his sick father, where the big rock is called 'Father Rock' and the small rock is called 'Son Rock'. The other legend says that when Buddha and Arhat (a saint who has cut off delusions and realized the truth of the world) were crossing the Yeongsan River and passing by here, they left their hats here and they turned into rocks, hence the name 'Monk Rock'.


    Especially, this Gatbawi Rock, a rare piece of art created by nature without any human intervention, creates a spectacle with the sunset reflecting off it.

    < Gatbawi Rock (Natural Monument No. 500) >

    ☞ Address: 166-1 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    ☞ Contact: 061-273-0536

    ☞ Sea Walkway Usage Guide

    ◾ Operating hours: Winter 5 am - 11 pm, Summer 5 am - 12 am

    The Mokpo Stamp Tour, which offered the fun of touring around Mokpo and collecting stamps, was a fulfilling trip as it felt like I had completely explored all the essential tourist courses in Mokpo through this stamp tour, making the 3-day period feel short.


    If you're traveling to Mokpo, a city where history and culture come alive, I recommend using this stamp tour as a guide and challenging yourself to 'stamp breaking'.


    Main Places

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpojin (Mokpojin


    4, Mokpojin-gil 11, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Manho-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Skywalk at Yudal Recreation Area.


    59 Daehak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Jukgyo-dong)

    Tourist Attractions



    88-19 Samhak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sanjeong-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Lee Nanyeong Park on Samhakdo Island


    88-19 Samhak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sanjeong-dong) 25 Samhak-ro 92beon-gil

    Tourist Attractions

    The marine cable car.


    240, Daehak-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Jukgyo-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpo Modern History Hall 1st Hall


    6, Yeongsan-ro 29beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Daeui-dong 2-ga)

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpo Museum of Modern History 2


    18 Jungang-dong 2-ga, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    Tourist Attractions

    Kim Dae Jung Nobel Peace Prize Memorial Hall


    68 Samhak-ro 92beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sanjeong-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Marine cable car (Gohado platform)


    186 Goha Doan-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Dal-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    The Seongok Memorial Hall


    11, Yeongsan-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Yudal-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Marine cable car (Yudalsan platform)


    180 Yudal-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Jukgyo-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpo Children Ocean Science Hall


    98 Samhak-ro 92beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sanjeong-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Nojeokbong Peak


    45, Nojeokbong-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sukhu-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Yudalsan Mountain


    180 Yudal-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Jukgyo-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpo Literary Hall


    95 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Yonghae-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Yeonhee's supermarket


    14-2 (Seosan-dong), Haean-ro 127beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpo Bridge


    73 Goha-daero 597beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Jukgyo-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Goha Island Lee Chungmu Public Land


    175 Goha-do-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Dal-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Seosan-dong Sihwa Alley


    27, Borimadang-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Seosan-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Namnong Memorial Hall


    119 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Yonghae-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    Mokpo Natural History Museum


    135, Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Yonghae-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    North Port Noeul Park


    34-22, Cheongho-ro 219, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sanjeong-dong)

    Tourist Attractions

    The Dancing Sea Fountain


    64 Pyeonghwa-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Sangdong)

    Tourist Attractions

    National Institute of Maritime Cultural Heritage.


    136 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Yonghae-dong)

    Tourist Attractions



    166-1 Namnong-ro, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do (Yonghae-dong)

    AI Chatting